Saturday, June 19, 2010

New songs

For the last couple of weeks, we've had some dear friends staying with us.  Stan and Sue are like family, making themselves at home and just integrating into our daily lives.  The other morning, Sue was making breakfast in the kitchen and said, "I saw something that cracked me up ~ your to-do list".  I didn't know what she meant, and she pointed my attention to a little pad of paper next to the phone, where I had scribbled a couple of items that I wanted us to remember to accomplish.  The small note simply said "Dick, tonight fix upstairs bathroom, write songs".  Sue said, "Only in Nashville would you see those 2 things on the same list!"  It made me laugh, too.

I'm definitely a list maker.  My lists can include everything from people I need to phone to things I need to pick up at the grocery, and everything in between.  Because this has been an extremely stacked week, I was feeling like I needed to document just about everything, or it wouldn't get done!

Dick and I have been prioritizing our songwriting in a way that we really haven't done in 15 years or so.  We literally schedule time on our calendars to write, or again, it wouldn't happen.  This week, God has blessed us with not one, but two songs!  We wrote "The Wonder of the Cross" on Tuesday and "Walk By Faith" on Wednesday.  Thursday, we finalized the arrangements, and Friday night, they both made their debut at the first ever Lifeway Songwriter's Showcase.

We're the new kids on the block with Lifeway, signing a publishing agreement earlier this year, joining ranks with several other wonderful writers ~ Paul Marino, Jeremy Johnson, Greg Nelson, Mike Harland, and Phillip Keveren. We're looking forward to writing many songs in the years ahead that will encourage and bless the body of Christ.

So to keep us on track, writing and creating, I'll probably need to make myself other reminding notes in the days ahead.  (And by the way, the bathroom got fixed, too).

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