Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lessons Learned From a Child

I've been in Oregon for about 5 days, with several more to go.  Enjoying every minute of getting to know sweet Charis.  It's amazing how much of her personality is already developing.
She's a very content baby.
She prefers to be swaddled very tightly.
She loves to be kissed all over her cheeks (well, I like to DO the kissing so I'm just blindly assuming she likes it!).
She enjoys soft music (her favorite so far is "Dreamsongs", a lullabye album by Kirk Dearman).
She's a good sleeper, although she seems to sleep more soundly during the day than she does at night.  But that will get changed around in time.

We've kind of settled into a routine each morning in the Bohler home that I really love.  Around 5:30 a.m. or so, Kelsey brings Charis into me, so that she and Zach can get some more concentrated rest.  Charis will have been fed and I try to keep her happy for 2-3 hours, until her next feeding.  These several hours have been wonderful bonding times for Charis and her Mimi (at least Mimi thinks so :).  We talk about things, sing some songs, talk some more, look around the room as the sun begins to peek through the blinds, then when her eyes start to get heavy, I settle her in to snuggle next to me and sleep.  Precious, memorable, sacred time together.

Charis in a little sleeper Mimi bought for her.  Note the butterflies . . . 

A more awake Charis, during one of our morning talks together

Several years ago, Dick and I wrote a song called "The Lessons Learned From a Child".  The chorus went like this:
I want to learn all there is to know
Cause they're small for just a little while
Let me have the faith to see
Through the eyes of a child

Charis is teaching Mimi little lessons in contentment, trust, resting, unconditional love.
She's teaching me that as we spend time together, we not only bond deeper, but we learn more about each other.  I love this little girl!  And look forward to the day she comes to know her Heavenly Father.  He already knows her, of course . . . 
"I have cared for you since you were born.  Yes, I carried you before you were born."  (Isaiah 46:3b)
And one day, she will know Him.  

The last verse of our song went like this (now, I substitute the word "granddaughter" for "daughter" even though it may not sing quite as well).    :)
As I hold my daughter close to me
I feel her trust and loyalty
She's taught me what love is supposed to be
Oh, the lessons learned from a child
Oh, the lessons learned from a child

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