Tuesday, May 18, 2010


In recent weeks we've been asked about some of the ongoing scenarios of life, so we thought we'd give a few updates. Many of our friends have prayed with us through some joys and some struggles. The lesson we continue to learn is that God is good, faithful, wise, just, and loving. And He can be trusted, even in the midst of waiting for answers.

Here's a quick rundown:

Dick's dad: Although his doctors have said he will potentially never be "cancer free", he is back to a place of stability and health. All of his "numbers" are good, he's feeling stronger and he came through the radiation treatments well. There are only a couple of additional therapies that will be ongoing. Early next month he'll celebrate his 82nd birthday!

Mel's dad: The struggle continues for Broadman Ware, as he recovers from the chemotherapy and the radiation treatments. He still takes most of his nourishment through a feeding tube, although occasionally he can handle some ice cream or pudding. He's also challenged with some additional repercussions of the treatments. Prayers are still needed and much appreciated.

Mel's brother, Jeff: Jeff is back home at the O'Berry Center, and so far seems to be settling in well. His healing will be slow, but we continue to pray that he will walk again at some point. We're going to try and make a trip to see Mel's dad and Jeff, hopefully sometime in June.

baby bohler2
Our first grandchild: Kelsey is now in her third trimester! Unbelievable how fast it has gone (easy for us to say :). She really has had an enjoyable pregnancy and we're so grateful. Friday night of this week, Dick is in concert with Steve Green in Portland and Kelsey and Zach will be there. Mel will then go on to Roseburg to stay with them for a few days. Highlights of that trip? A baby shower on Sunday and a doctor visit with Kelsey on Monday. The baby is due in August. Oh, by the way, it's a girl!

Jobs for Whitney and Shawn: Whitney is taking some prerequisites that will enable her to begin nursing school at Belmont University in January. Because this will be an additional bachelor's degree for her, the nursing program will only be for 16 months. Sixteen intense months, but 16 months nonetheless. Whitney is also working at a wonderful place called Sips and Strokes, where she is teaching painting classes. I (Mel) am one of her favorite students ~ ha! Shawn has 2 jobs these days. His full-time job is with a title insurance company and his part-time job is as the student ministry Worship Leader for FBC Columbia. This past Sunday, since it was Graduation week, Shawn was one of the worship leaders for the morning services. How fun to see him in his element!

Our songwriting: So far in 2010, we've spent a great deal of time writing together, and we're very excited with the new songs God is blessing us with. We're learning to actually schedule writing time as life can get moving a little too quickly.

Our concert/worship leading calendar: Dick continues to enjoy being a part of Steve Green's ministry, traveling many weekends around the country and internationally as well. We were thrilled to be a part of a life-changing trip to Israel earlier this year with Insight for Living. And the two of us have been privileged to lead worship for national events with Community Bible Study, FCA, and Christian Leadership Alliance. The summer and fall have filled up with more exciting conferences. Mel is also excited about doors that are opening for her to teach and lead worship at several women's events next fall and spring.

The end of John 10:10 says "I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly". A pastor friend of ours explained this verse by saying that abundant life isn't just the good stuff. It's high highs and low lows. And it's full and rich and plentiful. A great picture of where we're living these days. Thanks for your prayers and love.


1 comment:

  1. What conferences are on your itinerary for next year? I would love to be a part of one of them. I miss you, sweet friend.
